2019年11月7日 星期四

Andrew Dickson White1832 –1918 ,故居; Autobiography of Andrew Dickson White; 嘉富爾( Cavour )傳

Andrew Dickson White (November 7, 1832 – November 4, 1918) was an American historian and educator, who was the cofounder of Cornell .... The A.D. White Reading Room was designed by William Henry Miller, who had also designed White's mansion on campus. While serving in Russia, White made the acquaintance of ...

Autobiography of Andrew Dickson White — Volume 1 by Andrew Dickson White


Autobiography of Andrew Dickson White — Volume 2 by Andrew Dickson White


Esra Pound 說, Autobiography of Andrew Dickson White 常常在康乃爾大學和其駐俄大使之經驗中飄.....

Cornell University
On November 7, 1832, our co-founder and first president, Andrew Dickson White, was born.
Serving as Cornell president for nearly two decades, A.D. White's achievements continue to leave a legacy. Unlike other famous book collectors of his time, White did not establish a separate institution for his personal library. Instead, White donated his unique library of 30,000 books to the University Library for he believed "one could not have a great university without a great library." Happy Birthday, A.D. White! 📚🎉

The President's House, 1880.
William Henry Miller '72 built it for Andrew Dickson White in 1876 -- and it's now known as the A. D. White House, home to the Society for the Humanities. ‪#‎Cornell150‬ ‪#‎TBT‬
Celebrate Cornell's history with us! http://bit.ly/1DIOCe0

胡適 1913年10月11日讀 嘉富爾( Cavour )傳 (百年來還有許多不錯的傳記:
參考:Camillo Benso Cavour - Research and Read Books, Journals, Articles ... -Seven Great Statesmen in the Warfare of Humanity with Unreason ("Cavour" begins on p. 319) by Andrew Dickson White. 562 pgs. Read/Write Review ...

卡米洛·奔索,加富爾伯爵義大利語Camillo Benso Conte di Cavour1810年8月10日1861年6月6日)是義大利政治家義大利統一運動的領導人物,曾留學過英國,也是後來成立的義大利王國的第一任首相Conte di Cavour是「加富爾伯爵」的意思,他的姓氏Benso


