2017年2月21日 星期二

A century after the Russian revolution 胡適不能不拋棄我......對新俄的夢想”


1948321,胡適在給周鯁生的長信中,表示了他對蘇聯徹底的失望,並指出:“戰後的蘇聯可能是一個很可怕的侵略勢力。……可能比德國日本還更可怕。”雅爾塔密約簽訂之後,使胡適“不能不承認有一大堆冷酷的事實,不能不拋棄我二十多年對新俄的夢想”。.....--周質平著 《光焰不熄:胡適思想與現代中國 胡適的反共產思想 》

Russian Revolution - Wikipedia

The Russian Revolution was a pair of revolutions in Russia in 1917, which dismantled the Tsarist autocracy and led to the eventual rise of the Soviet Union.

 The most sunnily optimistic images of peasant farmers and muscular athletes are the most chilling. Their horror lies not in what they depict, but what, with hindsight, we know they ignore

At the Royal Academy, a sinister history lurks beyond the frame

