2011年1月31日 星期一

打破沙鍋紋到底/James Bryant Conant

胡適的" 科學精神與科學方法"演講 1959/11/29.


打破沙鍋紋到底 (胡適指出崔述說過到底 是pun ---
科學的古史學家崔術   胡適這本年譜在五十歲1789年有附圖說明 真是很好)

洪業論學集,  北京: 中華,  1981/2005,  p.426

以及 受James Bryant Conant - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia很大的影響

Conant also actively promoted the discipline of history of science, instituting the Harvard Case Histories in Experimental Science and including history of science in the General Education curriculum. For Conant, an approach to the history of science that emphasized the internal and intellectual dimensions of scientific development — as opposed to the so-called external factors of sociology, economics and politics — reinforced the American Cold War ideology and would help Americans understand the importance of science since the Second World War. During that time, American science (and especially the field of physics that Conant viewed as exemplary) was rapidly becoming dominated by military funding, and Conant sought to defuse concerns about the possible corruption of science. Conant was instrumental in the early career of Thomas Kuhn, whose book The Structure of Scientific Revolutions has been extremely influential for the various fields of science studies.

